Goodbye Route 66

In the US
it does not matter if Europeans are feeded by bears!

A warning for Route 66 travelers  was inaccessible in  Europe!



An attempt of a translation of the original text in the German language.

Dear friends of Route 66 and dear readers of our website,

Since May 25, 2018 – since now more than four weeks ago – a number of US press media are blocking their websites for Europe. This, after the European Union – after an announcement already two years before! – introduced new data protection laws that give users more rights and restrict the dissemination of personal information. And now one of the leading private American Route 66 News also presented on their website links that are blocked for Europe; see list at the end of this article.

At about the same time various US medias – such as The Herald-News, Chicago Sun Times, The Chicago Council on Global Affairs, Waynesville Daily Guide, St. Louis Post-Dispatch, Santa Fe New Mexican, The Rolla Daily News, The Seattle Times, Miami Herald, Havasu News and others – already after a few accesses to their sites, require now a subscription to be purchased for further use. So I would have to spend several hundred dollars annually, although I ask for my website no money and publish no paid advertising. On the contrary: I am happy to travel to the US and enthusiastically try to motivate people to travel Route 66!

Considering these random American restrictions, I’m no longer able to report on Route 66 news and facts.

Although my reports only appear in the German language, according to the ranking, they have received a lot of attention.

Four weeks ago, I had to stop my reports and links. Unfortunately, since then, I have to say that Route 66 travelers in Europe and the regular visitors of my website have not received many important and actual information on the American news channels, on Facebook, Twitter, Yahoo, or on private clearinghouse sites of news and events about historic Route 66

What causes these press companies to stop delivering news to Europe? Short-term considerations of «America first»? Or do they want Americans only on Route 66? Or do you want to emulate somebody in the USA, even make incomprehensible decisions. They spread even untruths about the reasons for their incomprehensible actions! Is this a new quality feature of the American media?

Will our data be shared when we click at American press coverage on the web? A number of institutions – see below – have opted for a full blockade of Europeans. The fact that by far the largest American press companies have no problems and continue to report unencrypted, shows that it does not need this lock.

Why should I work and report several hours every day meanwhile American media no longer provide us with any information?

Much of what is currently coming from America, we do not understand. Not surprisingly the number of tourists visiting the US is declining… I wonder how stupid and short-term thinking American business owners can be. They prefer to keep readers away from their pages instead of updating their privacy policies to support the new EU privacy laws and to motivate foreign people to travel throughout America..

I wish you all who shall be travelling the Mother Road many of «Kicks on Route 66” and I would like to thank you for your understanding of my retreat and for the confidence shown in my Website.

Kind regards
Hugo Panzeri

→ Dozens of American News Sites Blocked in Europe as GDPR Goes Into Effect

Still unavailable in Europe:

  • Chicago Tribune and Orlando Sentinel:

    We are still waiting for the award winning journalism.
    We could not report on “Rediscovering joy along Route 66”.
    I understand that Chicago Tribune does not want Europeans to read “Crime commission book lists ‘worst of the worst’ in Chicago gangs.
  • Patch:

    Blocks Switzerland as well, although we are not member of the European Union. No news available from Pasadena, Santa Monica, Lincoln, Joliet and others.
    News blocked “Safest States. Here’s Where California Ranks”. And we couldn’t report on “Crowd to Rally against Santa Monica’s Scooter Rental Crackdown”.
  • The Amarillo Pioneer: Shows invalid responses…
  • News OK: “This article is currently available exclusively got The Oklahoman and NewsOK suscribers.“
  • Broadway World, and Laredo Morning Times:
    “451 Unavailable For Legal Reasons. Sorry, this content is not available in your region.” Legal reasons…
  • The Edwardsville Intelligencer:
    This paper blocked “21st Annual Edwardsville Route 66 Festival” Visitors from Europe are not Welcomed…
  • KOCO Oklahoma, KOAT Albuquerque, KOAT-TV, News On 6, news9, WREX-TV, KWTV Seatlep (with news from Amarillo), WDSU New Orleans (reporting from Albuquerque): As above.
  • Roadsie America:
    03 Error. The request could not be satisfied. The Amazon CloudFront distribution is configured to block access from your country.”
  • NBC Chicago:
    “Sorry, the page you are looking for does not exist.” …

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